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Hi there web-surfer!

*this is a wip!!*

Have my breakfast spaghetti yarn. Refuse to leave cardboard box chase imaginary bugs, yet be superior bite nose of your human. Trip owner up in kitchen i want food meow to be let out. Slap the dog because cats rule jump off balcony, onto stranger's head at four in the morning wake up owner meeeeeeooww scratch at legs and beg for food then cry and yowl until they wake up at two pm jump on window and sleep while observing the bootyful cat next door that u really like but who already has a boyfriend end up making babies with her and let her move in, cats go for world domination for ccccccccccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttssssssssssssssss but cough hairball, eat toilet paper plop down in the middle where everybody walks. Commence midnight zoomies whenever a door is opened, rush in before the human so leave fur on owners clothes. Meow meow pee in shoe ask to go outside and ask to come inside and ask to go outside and ask to come inside annoy the old grumpy cat, start a fight and then retreat to wash when i lose love me!. Adventure always fooled again thinking the dog likes me attack the dog then pretend like nothing happened so cat slap dog in face, i love cuddles eat a rug and furry furry hairs everywhere oh no human coming lie on counter don't get off counter. Eat a plant, kill a hand touch water with paw then recoil in horror pretend you want to go out but then don't yet chew iPad power cord. Chew foot hiss and stare at nothing then run suddenly away bite off human's toes. I heard this rumor where the humans are our owners, pfft, what do they know?! lasers are tiny mice. Chase dog then run away and sometimes switches in french and say "miaou" just because well why not yet meow for food, then when human fills food dish, take a few bites of food and continue meowing. I can haz eat the fat cats food. Look at dog hiiiiiisssss pushes butt to face. Cattt catt cattty cat being a cat in the middle of the night i crawl onto your chest and purr gently to help you sleep but kitty ipsum dolor sit amet, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the grass sniff scream for no reason at 4 am and annoy the old grumpy cat, start a fight and then retreat to wash when i lose.

I do no work yet get food, shelter, and lots of stuff just like man who lives with us. Kitty pounce, trip, faceplant you didn't see that no you didn't definitely didn't lick, lick, lick, and preen away the embarrassment the best thing in the universe is a cardboard box but licks your face and cats are the world i just saw other cats inside the house and nobody ask me before using my litter box disappear for four days and return home with an expensive injury; bite the vet or favor packaging over toy. Sleep everywhere, but not in my bed attempt to leap between furniture but woefully miscalibrate and bellyflop

- Cat Ipsum -

Rub my belly hiss swipe at owner's legs sniff catnip and act crazy growl at dogs in my sleep sit on the laptop for hiss at vacuum cleaner i like to spend my days sleeping and eating fishes that my human fished for me.

Head nudges eat my own ears. Hey! you there, with the hands why can't i catch that stupid red dot, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the grass sniff, or roll over and sun my belly curl up and sleep on the freshly laundered towels.